Journal / COURBET Revolution / Time for the Planet : when entrepreneurship tackles climate urgency
OCTOBER 26, 2021

Time for the Planet : when entrepreneurship tackles climate urgency

COURBET joins the Time for the Planet initiative!

It is time for COURBET to highlight a meaningful project that echoes its commitment to sustainable entrepreneurship and virtuous innovation on both the economic and environmental matters.

The development of a global synergy against climate disruption being one of the principal aims of COURBET, supporting the Time for the Planet initiative appears as an obvious action, and brings out new territories to explore. Collaboration is one of the cornerstones according to Time for the Planet, meaning that both private citizens and companies can contribute to make every promising project grow, promoting a spirit of solidarity and cohesion.

Founded in 2019, the Time for the Planet company aspires to create and to fund worldwide firms that will act upon ecological emergencies through immediate strategies and innovative technologies. The globalized economy and unsustainable lifestyles are at the core of companies' concerns, and the first answer provided by Time for the Planet is to defend knowledge sharing and direct investments to those who will build tomorrow’s world, especially entrepreneurs and scientists striving for change.

COURBET undoubtedly shares those values, and offers all its support to emphasize Time for the Planet’s vision. From recycling gold from old electronic devices, to using laboratory-grown diamonds, COURBET manifests its will to make jewellery rhyme with sustainability. Among all of the issues raised by the organization, the reuse of pre-existing materials, the reduction of soil drilling as well as fossil resources consumption, are fights COURBET already started in order to improve upon the traditional diamond industry. 

You can discover more about Time for the Planet on the company’s website, and even subscribe yourself to become ambassadors for a fairer and more optimistic world. 

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