Lab-grown diamond

The COURBET diamond, a new diamond

From its apartment at 7, Place Vendôme, COURBET reveals a sparkling alternative to mined diamonds.


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COURBET respects people and the planet, while carrying on the jewellery-making expertise of Place Vendôme. At COURBET, we believe lab-grown diamonds are instilled with a different kind of magic, made possible by human ingenuity. This new generation of lab-grown diamonds answers the ethical and environmental concerns of people who care about where their stones originate. It offers much greater transparency for all those who realise that the choices we make have an impact on our planet.

In order to offer only high quality jewellery, COURBET selects each of its diamonds to present its customers only the most beautiful, with a colour greater than or equal to F and a purity greater than or equal to VS.

A lab-grown diamond is graded according to four criteria, exactly the same as a mined diamond. They are the 4Cs: Carat, Colour, Clarity and Cut.

COURBET then adds a fifth C – for Conscience. By using lab-grown diamonds, COURBET supports a positive and innovative alternative to mined diamonds that is less polluting and more socially responsible.

Official certificates


In the United States, the more than favourable welcome given to this new stone has changed mentalities, and even legislation. In July 2018, the Federal Trade Commission issued a new guideline stating that a diamond is a diamond, irrespective of whether it was produced in a laboratory or in the ground.

At COURBET, we support this changing mindset

It is our wish that lab-grown diamonds enjoy the same recognition as cultured pearls. A lab-grown diamond is a diamond. As simple as that.

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