Journal / COURBET Revolution / Preconceived idea #2 • “Lab-grown diamonds : neither rare nor precious ?”
FEBRUARY 19, 2021

Preconceived idea #2 • “Lab-grown diamonds : neither rare nor precious ?”

Lab-grown diamonds account for 3% of the global diamond production. As such, they are overall 30 times rarer than mined diamonds. Yet, the myth of scarcity surrounding the precious gemstone is quite often opposed to man-made diamonds, believed to be easily reproducible or manufactured in series even. This is a preconceived idea that ought to be corrected, since every single lab-grown stone is unique and authentic.

Diamonds have been successfully grown in labs since as early as the 50s. Yet, until pretty recently, the cultured stones were no match for the excellence criteria required for jewellery. Their sole purpose was industrial, their extreme and unequaled hardness and conductivity proving of high interest.

Today, a few laboratories manage to create high-quality stones fit for jewellery. Rough diamonds grown in labs are sent to be cut and polished before being valued and certified following the 4Cs of diamonds - carat, color, clarity, cut - attesting to their quality and uniqueness. In the end, only the finest man-made stones are selected to adorn jewellery creations.

The formation of a diamond, be it in a lab or beneath the Earth’s surface, is an unpredictable process: if the conditions needed for a diamond to form are recreated by men, drawing inspiration from Nature, the growing process in itself escapes all forms of control by the human hand.

During a few weeks, Nature takes back its course: the diamond grows slowly, free from any external factor, including man intervention. The result is unsure, as default or inclusions cannot be avoided. It is thus impossible to predict the quality of a stone grown in a lab in advance, let alone to manufacture them on demand. This is where the magic of this scientific prowess lies, by putting cutting-edge technology at the service of what Nature has best to offer.

Just like in nature, white diamonds are the purest and brightest, but also the rarest, being extremely hard to create in a lab. These are the stones that COURBET selects with care to decorate its creations and propose a new jewellery by pairing jeweller know-how and high-tech sourcing.

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