Let's Commit / Protecting the quality of life of future generations

Protecting the quality of life of future generations

While committed to its values of preserving the environment and protecting the quality of life of future generations, Courbet introduces Let's Commit, a program supporting eco-friendly and solidarity-based projects. Courbet has been working closely with two purpose-driven organizations focusing on children.


Protect the generation that will inherit our planet with Save the Children

For over a century, Save the Children's work has been saving and improving children's lives around the globe with a bold ambition : a world in which all children survive, have the chance to learn, and are protected from abuse, neglect and exploitation. To reach this goal, they act to eliminate preventable causes of child mortality, to offer a quality basic education to all and stop violence against children, in any shape.

Let's keep siblings together with Action Enfance

When a child or siblings are brought before a judge by the child protection services, in 50% of cases, they will be placed in foster care. Action Enfance’s mission is to protect and help children from a difficult family situation. The Foundation welcomes, protects and educates children at risk, from their early childhood into their adult life.